Software Engineer Backend

I’m Nitish Vashisth, an experienced Backend Software Engineer With 7+ Years of Experience in The Field

I am a person who keep on setting benchmarks for myself regularly and once I set those goals I try my level best to fulfil them with as much perfection as possible

Nitish Vashisth





Time Zone

Indian Standard Time(IST)​


Masters in Technology

2016 – 2018

IIIT Bangalore

Bachelor of Technology

2009 – 2014

JIIT Noida


Software Engineer III

April 2023 – Present

Egencia part of Amex GBT is into B2B Travel Management

Software Engineer III

May2020 – March 2023

First E-Commerce company I’m working for in Tech. Working on core ecommerce components , CXO ( Cart and Checkout).
Feels happy and lucky to to be part of such great organization founded by Mr. Sam Walton, which is helping millions of people on daily basis.

Software Engineer

September 2017 – 2018

Second Startup I worked for, now acquired by Autodesk. Had an awesome journey from taking ideas from paper to production and making them client ready. It was a roller coaster ride, with so many ups and downs , which ultimately came out so well.

Tech Blog

Contact Me​

Nitish Vashisth

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